They young can be found on TikTok
E-commerce, fast-food and clothing brands. More Swedish advertisers open up their wallets to TikTok – and for 2022 the trend move towards even bigger media investments on the popular platform. “Revenue connected to TikTok can be doubled this year”, says Jonna Säll, CEO at Splay One.
Swedish business newspaper Svenska Dagbladet Näringsliv have done a deep dive trying to find where the young consumers can be found, an audience that so many advertisers are looking for. The answer is TikTok.
Jonna Säll, CEO at Splay One explains
– The huge purchase will that is created there can not be matched by any other platform. Recommendations, trends, and ads that captures the TikTok-spirit weighs heavier than a polished commercial, and drives sales in a complete different way.
A fifth of Splay One campaigns are custom made for TikTok, and the platform is important for our revenue.
– We receive more and more assignements and we see that revenue connected to TikTok will more than double this year, says Jonna Säll.
If you want to know what Splay One can do for your company on TikTok and other platforms, please reach out to Jonna Säll
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 (0)733-16 80 76